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Bill Clifford criticized Trump’s stance on immigration. Bill Clifford said there could be unintended economic consequences to Trump’s immigration measures.
(Garden City Telegram, 1/28/2017)
Bill Clifford supported amnesty for illegal immigrants. When discussing President Trump's immigration proposal, Bill Clifford stated the following: "I feel that folks who are here working honestly, paying taxes, contributing, have nothing to fear. But I do think folks who have criminal intent have everything to fear, and I welcome that," he said.(Garden City Telegram, 1/28/2017)
Illegal immigrants, by their definition, have broken the law and are here illegally. Bill Clifford describes those illegal immigrants as "working honestly" and that they lack "criminal intent." Bill Clifford"s statement makes clear that he supports providing illegal immigrants, who are taking American jobs, amnesty by a lack of enforcement of our immigration laws.